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SA-CA-GA-WE-A; THE INDIAN GIRL WHO GUIDED LEWIS AND CLARK, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Sho-sho-ne sa-ca-ga-we-a - captive and wife was she
Last Line: "sho-sho-ne sa-ca-ga-we-a, who led the way to the west!"
Alternate Author Name(s): Dean
Subject(s): Clark, William (1770-1838); Explorers; History; Lewis, Meriwether (1774-1809); Native Americans; West (u.s.) - Exploration; Exploring; Discovery; Discoverers; Historians; Indians Of America; American Indians; Indians Of South America

SHO-SHO-NE SA-CA-GA-WE-A -- captive and wife was she
On the grassy plains of Dakota in the land of the Minnetaree;
But she heard the west wind calling, and longed to follow the sun
Back to the shining mountains and the glens where her life begun.
So, when the valiant Captains, fain for the Asian sea,
Stayed their marvellous journey in the land of the Minnetaree
(The Red Men wondering, wary -- Omaha, Mandan, Sioux --
Friendly now, now hostile, as they toiled the wilderness through),
Glad she turned from the grassy plains and led their way to the West,
Her course as true as the swan's that flew north to its reedy nest;
Her eye as keen as the eagle's when the young lambs feed below;
Her ear alert as the stag's at morn guarding the fawn and doe.
Straight was she as a hillside fir, lithe as the willow-tree,
And her foot as fleet as the antelope's when the hunter rides the lea;
In broidered tunic and moccasins, with braided raven hair,
And closely belted buffalo robe with her baby nestling there --
Girl of but sixteen summers, the homing bird of the quest,
Free of the tongues of the mountains, deep on her heart imprest, --
Sho-sho-ne Sa-ca-ga-we-a led the way to the West! --
To Missouri's broad savannas dark with bison and deer,
While the grizzly roamed the savage shore and cougar and
wolf prowled near;
To the cataract's leap, and the meadows with lily and rose abloom;
The sunless trails of the forest, and the canyon's hush and gloom;
By the veins of gold and silver, and the mountains vast and grim --
Their snowy summits lost in clouds on the wide horizon's brim;
Through sombre pass, by soaring peak, till the Asian wind blew free,
And lo! the roar of the Oregon and the splendor of the Sea!

Some day, in the lordly upland where the snow-fed streams divide --
Afoam for the far Atlantic, afoam for Pacific's tide --
There, by the valiant Captains whose glory will never dim
While the sun goes down to the Asian sea and the stars in ether swim,
She will stand in bronze as richly brown as the hue of her
girlish cheek,
With broidered robe and braided hair and lips just curved to speak;
And the mountain winds will murmur as they linger along the crest,
"Sho-sho-ne Sa-ca-ga-we-a, who led the way to the West!"

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