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I VEX ME NOT WITH BROODING ON THE YEARS, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

I VEX me not with brooding on the years
That were ere I drew breath: why should I then
Distrust the darkness that may fall again
When life is done ? Perchance in other spheres -
Dead planets - I once tasted mortal tears,
And walked as now amid a throng of men,
Pondering things that lay beyond my ken,
Questioning death, and solacing my fears.
Ofttimes indeed strange sense have I of this,
Vague memories that hold me with a spell,
Touches of unseen lips upon my brow,
Breathing some incommunicable bliss
In years foregone, O Soul, was all not well ?
Still lovelier life awaits thee. Fear not thou!

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