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PSALM 126, by                    
First Line: When long absent from lovely sion
Last Line: To see our buisiness joyfuly reaped
Subject(s): Christianity; Zen Buddhism

When long absent from lovëly Sion
By the Lords conduct home we returned
We our own senses scarcely beleiving
Thought meere visions moved our fancy
Then in our merry mouths laughter abounded
Tongues with gladness lowdly resounded
While thus wondring Nations whisperd
God with them most royally dealeth.
Most true with us Thou royaly dealest
Woe is expired sorrow is vanished
Now Lord to finish throughly Thy working
Bring to Jerusalem all that are exiles.
Bring to Jerusalem all that are exiles
So by Thy comfort lively refreshed
As when southern sunburnt Regions
Be by Cold fountains freshly releived.
Oft to the ploughman, so good hap hapneth
What with teares to the ground he bequeatheth
Season of harvest timely returning
He before wofull joyfuly reapeth.
Why to us may not as happily happen
To sow our buisiness wofuly weeping
Yet when buisiness growes to due ripeness
To see our buisiness joyfuly reaped

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