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MISS MILLY O'NAIRE, by                    
First Line: She is not young and fair
Last Line: Miss millionaire.
Subject(s): Comedy; Love; Old Age; Puberty; Sex; Ugliness; Wealth; Riches; Fortunes

SHE is not young and fair,
Nor has she golden hair,
Nor a dimple in each cheek,
If that is what you seek;
Hers is a gift more rare,
Miss Milly O'Naire.

She has not laughing eyes,
Blue as the summer skies,
Nor lips of cherry red,
On kisses to be fed;
No, it's not for these I care,
Miss Milly O'Naire.

She is not wondrous wise,
Seeks not for learning's prize.
'Tis true she knows no Greek,
And her English grammar's weak,
But why should I despair,
Miss Milly O'Naire.

So woo and win her I will,
For there's my tailor's bill,
And creditors by the score;
But they'll trouble me no more,
For she has a million to spare,
Miss Millionaire.

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