Poetry Explorer

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EVEN WEEDS, by                    
First Line: The one that sins, judge not
Last Line: Reach upward toward the light.
Subject(s): Leadership; Sin

The one that sins, judge not.
You cannot know the way
He grew, nor whence he came.
He could not choose the clay
That fashioned him. Perhaps he sprung
From loins old in sin that blindly flung
This soul upon the earth.
Perhaps he dimly seeks
The good you know
By right of better birth.

Through darkened heritage
Groping toward the sun
He falls. Your hand should lead,
You, the enlightened one.
Love's miracle still heals the blind,
And humble helping hands new mercies find.
Know, in the quest of right,
Though some were born but weeds,
Yet even weeds
Reach upward toward the light.

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