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BALLADE OF MAYE AND VIRTUE, by             Poem Explanation         Poet's Biography
First Line: Full gladlye in this month of maye
Last Line: "my love doth laste throughout alle weather."
Subject(s): Love; May (month); Time

FULL gladlye in this month of Maye
The Earth bestirs her and renews;
Each lover, his old fondness fey,
Seeks otherwhere and hotly woos.
Who in this wise his love pursues,
His head is light as anye feather;
Another waye my heart doth use:
My love doth laste throughout alle weather.

Alle lovely cheekes doe wear awaye,
And at the laste their beauty lose;
Tyme, grief, or sicknesse doe waylaye
And take them in a tightened noose.
But nothynge can or maim or bruise
Her whose true heart is taut in tether;
And for her beauty's fadeless hues,
My love doth laste throughout alle weather.

And she whose beauty thus doth staye
Is Virtue, childe of heavenly thews,
And to her shinynge height alwaye
True lovers with sweete voice she woos.
"Come, lovers, come!" ('Tis thus she sues),
"O long-besought, come round me gather"
(Such speech this happy mayde doth use),
"My love doth laste throughout alle weather."

Prince, get thee love of lastynge hues
And holde her faste in loyal tether,
Soe mayst thou boast, withouten ruse,
"My love doth laste throughout alle weather."

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