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LAMBETH LYRIC, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Some seven score bishops late at lambeth sat
Last Line: Next merry meeting

Lambeth Lyric Some seven score Bishops late at Lambeth sat,

Gray-whiskered and respectable debaters:
Some seven score Bishops late at Lambeth sat,
Each had on head a well-strung, curly hat;
And each wore gaiters.
Grey-whiskered and respectable debaters:
And when these prelates at their talk had been
Each had on head a well-strung, curly hat;
And each wore gaiters.
Long time, they made yet longer proclamation,
Saying: "These creeds are childish! both Nicene, And Athanasian.

True, they were written by the Holy Ghost;
And when these prelates at their talk had been
So, to re-write them were perhaps a pity.
Refer we their revision to a most Select Committee!
Long time, they made yet longer proclamation,
Saying: "These creeds are childish! both "Nicene

And Athanasian.

True, they were written by the Holy Ghost;
So, to re-write them were perhaps a pity.
Refer we their revision to a most
Select Committee!
In ten years* time we wise Pan Anglicans
Once more around this Anglo Catholic table
Will meet, to prove God's word more weak than man' s
His truth less stable."

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