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BALLADE OF OLD PLAYS, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: When these old plays were new, the king

(I es Œuvres de Monsieur Molière. A Paris, chez Louys Billaine, à la Palme. M.
D. C. LXVI.)

La Cour
When these old plays were new, the King,
Beside the Cardinal's chair,
Applauded, 'mid the courtly ring,
The verses of Molière.
Point-lace was then the only wear,
Old Corneille came to woo,
And bright Du Parc was young and fair,
When these old plays were new!

La Comédie
How shrill the butcher's cat-calls ring,
How loud the lackeys swear!
Black pipe-bowls on the stage they fling,
At Brécourt, fuming there!
The porter's stabbed! a Mousquetaire
Breaks in with noisy crew-
'Twas all a commonplace affair
When these old plays were new!

La Ville
When these old plays were new! They bring
A host of phantoms rare:
Old jests that float, old jibes that sting,
Old faces peaked with care:
Ménage's smirk, de Visé's stare,
The thefts of Jean Ribou-
Ah, publishers were hard to bear
When these old plays were new.

Ghosts, at your poet's word ye dare
To break death's dungeons through;
And frisk, as in that golden air,
When these old plays were new!

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