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Leonie Adams, born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1899, was an American poet whose career spanned much of the 20th century. She is recognized for her lyricism, delicate craftsmanship, and deep engagement with mythological and classical themes. Her work is a reflection of her extensive knowledge in literature and her meticulous attention to form and language.

Literary Background and Early Influences

Adams studied at Barnard College, where she was highly influenced by the poet and critic Mark Van Doren. Her early work reveals the mark of the Romantics and the Metaphysical poets, but it also reflects a distinctly modern sensibility. She was a dedicated scholar of literature, and her wide reading in mythology, classical literature, and contemporary poetry had a lasting impact on her own work.

Poetic Schools or Movements

Leonie Adams is often associated with the New Critics, a mid-20th-century American movement that emphasized close reading of the text and a focus on formal elements of poetry such as structure, language, and symbolism. However, her work also stands apart for its deeply personal engagement with themes of love, nature, and the human condition. She did not strictly align herself with any single school of thought or movement but instead synthesized a wide range of influences to create her unique poetic voice.

Poetic Oeuvre: Phases and Themes

Adams published sparingly but consistently throughout her life. Her collections include "Those Not Elect" (1931), "High Falcon" (1929), and "Poems: A Selection" (1954). One of her most celebrated poems, "This Measure," exemplifies her lyrical style and thematic preoccupations. It's a meditation on the relationship between words and reality, and it reflects her ongoing engagement with philosophical questions about language, existence, and the limitations of human understanding.

Her poems often weave classical and mythological references into contemporary settings, blending the timeless and the immediate. This mix enriches her themes, adding layers of meaning to her explorations of love, nature, and spirituality. She is particularly noted for her mastery of traditional poetic forms, including sonnets and villanelles, which she employed to create tightly structured yet emotionally resonant works.

Influence and Honors

In 1948, Adams was appointed as the Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress, a position now known as the U.S. Poet Laureate, making her one of the early women to be honored with this role. She also received the Bollingen Prize in 1954. In the academic realm, she had a significant impact as a teacher and mentor, holding positions at several institutions including New York University and Bennington College.

Her work, while not as widely known as some of her contemporaries, has been praised for its precision and depth. She has influenced poets who appreciate the value of melding traditional forms with modern sensibilities, and her work is frequently anthologized in collections that aim to represent the richness and diversity of American poetry.


Leonie Adams is a significant but somewhat overlooked figure in 20th-century American poetry. Her work combines a rigorous intellect with a deep emotional sensitivity, blending classical influences with a modernist flair. Although she was not prolific, the poems she did publish are marked by their craftsmanship, thematic depth, and emotional resonance. Her influence extends beyond her own work, through her roles as a teacher and mentor, and through the honors she received, which attest to her contributions to American letters. While she may not be a household name, Adams's poetry offers a rich tapestry of intellectual and emotional experiences that continue to reward those who engage with her work.

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