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Amy Lowell, born in 1874 in Brookline, Massachusetts, was an American poet who played a significant role in the imagist movement and made enduring contributions to lesbian literature. Coming from the illustrious Lowell family—a family that had produced notable individuals in various fields including law, education, and the arts—Amy had a lot to live up to, and she did so through her groundbreaking work in poetry.

Literary Background and Early Influences:

Amy Lowell did not attend college, a fact she later described as a great personal loss. However, she was an avid reader and self-educator. Her family's library offered her the means to explore literature extensively. In her early years, she drew inspiration from traditional forms of English poetry, but her trip to England in 1913 was transformational. There, she met Ezra Pound and became enchanted with the modernist movement and imagism, although her later falling out with Pound led her to distinguish her brand of imagism from his.

Poetic Schools and Movements:

Lowell is chiefly associated with the imagist movement, a poetic style characterized by precise images, clear language, and a break from traditional verse forms. Though Pound and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) initially spearheaded imagism, Lowell became one of its most famous proponents, especially in America. She differed from other imagists by embracing 'polyphonic prose,' a form that mingled poetic and prose elements.

Phases and Themes in Poetic Oeuvre:

-Imagism: The hallmark of her work, Lowell’s imagist poems are vivid, concise, and paint clear pictures, as seen in works like "A Decade" and "Venus Transiens."

-Polyphonic Prose: Lowell's experiments in this form demonstrate her willingness to stretch the boundaries of what poetry could be. She aimed to create a "symphonic" experience akin to music, with different elements playing off each other.

-Love and Eroticism: Lowell was openly lesbian at a time when this was highly controversial. Her love poems, often directed toward her longtime partner, Ada Dwyer Russell, are forthright in their eroticism and emotional depth.

-Nature and the Seasons: Many of her poems are imbued with natural imagery, echoing her New England upbringing and her alignment with imagist principles of clarity and directness.


Amy Lowell had a significant impact on both American and global literature. Her promotion of imagism helped to modernize American poetry, while her openness about her own sexuality paved the way for later LGBTQ+ writers. She was a champion of other poets, using her considerable influence to promote lesser-known writers, including the imagists and poets of the Confessional school.


Lowell did not live to see many of the honors that would be bestowed upon her, as she died in 1925. However, she posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926. She has since been the subject of various biographies, scholarly articles, and retrospectives.


Amy Lowell remains a key figure in American literary history, remembered for her contributions to imagism and her role in creating space for lesbian literature. Her works, while not as widely read today as some of her contemporaries, offer valuable insights into the transitional period of American poetry from traditional forms to modernism. Moreover, her life and writings stand as an enduring testament to the transformative power of self-education, passion, and the willingness to defy conventional norms to achieve artistic brilliance.

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