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THEY SHUT ME UP IN PROSE, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

"They shut me up in Prose" is a poem by Emily Dickinson, an American poet who lived from 1830 to 1886. The poem was first published posthumously in 1955.

The poem explores the idea of creativity and the limitations of language. The speaker suggests that they have been "shut up in Prose," emphasizing the idea that their creative expression has been limited by the rules and conventions of language.

The poem also explores the idea of the creative process and the importance of artistic expression. The speaker suggests that the act of creating is a vital and transformative experience, allowing the artist to express themselves in ways that are impossible through language alone.

Overall, the poem suggests a complex and nuanced relationship between language and creativity. The poem emphasizes the limitations of language in expressing the full range of human experience and emotion, while also acknowledging the importance of language as a tool for communication and expression. The poem also suggests a sense of reverence and respect for the creative process, emphasizing the importance of artistic expression as a means of exploring the complexities and nuances of the human experience.

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