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MIRRORS OF LIFE AND DEATH, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

 "MIrrors of Life and Death"" is a poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti. It was written in 1866 and published in "The Prince's Progress and Other Poems" in 1866.

The poem explores the themes of life, death, and the passing of time. Rossetti portrays life as a fleeting and fragile existence, represented by a mirror that reflects only the present moment. Death, on the other hand, is depicted as an unyielding force, represented by a stone that endures through the ages.

Throughout the poem, Rossetti draws parallels between life and death, highlighting the cyclical nature of existence. She suggests that just as one day must inevitably give way to night, so too must life give way to death.

The poem is divided into three stanzas, each exploring a different aspect of the theme. The first stanza describes the mirror of life, while the second stanza introduces the stone of death. The final stanza brings the two together, suggesting that while life may be fleeting, death endures, and that in death, life is renewed.

Poetic Elements:

  • Form: Sonnet - 14 lines, iambic pentameter
  • Rhyme Scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG:
  • Metaphor: comparing life and death to two mirrors reflecting each other
  • Alliteration: "Life with Death, and Love with Fear"
  • Repetition: "Death with Life, and Love with Fear"
  • Personification: "Life and Death sit not"

Overall, the poem uses vivid and striking imagery to explore the themes of life, death, love, and fear. The comparison of life and death to mirrors is particularly powerful, as it suggests that they are inextricably linked and cannot exist without each other. The use of repetition reinforces this idea, while the use of alliteration and personification adds to the poem's musicality and emotional impact.

In summary, "MIrrors of Life and Death" is a contemplative and philosophical poem that reflects on the transience of life and the inevitability of death. Through her use of imagery and symbolism, Rossetti emphasizes the interconnectedness of life and death and the cyclical nature of existence.

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