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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained

JAZZ DRUMMER, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

Introduce the poem:

"Jazz Drummer" is a poem by Etheridge Knight, first published in his collection "Poems from Prison" in 1968. The poem is a tribute to a jazz drummer, who Knight praises for his artistry and skill.


The poem is an ode to a jazz drummer and his music, with the speaker expressing admiration and awe for the musician's ability to create and communicate through his instrument. The poem reflects on the power and beauty of music, particularly jazz, and the importance of preserving and valuing such cultural expressions.

Pertinent Poetic Elements:

  • Form: The poem is written in free verse and lacks a consistent rhyme or meter, allowing for a more fluid and improvisational feel, similar to the style of jazz music.
  • Theme: The theme of the poem is the appreciation of jazz music and its importance as a cultural expression.
  • Imagery: The poem uses vivid sensory imagery to describe the sound of the drums and the physical movements of the drummer.
  • Tone: The tone of the poem is reverent and admiring, conveying a deep respect for the musician and his art.
  • Sound: The poem employs alliteration, repetition, and other sound devices to create a rhythmic and musical quality that echoes the subject matter.
  • Language: The language of the poem is both elevated and colloquial, combining literary and vernacular expressions to convey the emotions and ideas of the speaker.
  • Figurative language: The poem uses metaphors and similes to compare the drumming to natural phenomena and to evoke a sense of awe and wonder.
  • Structure: The poem is divided into six stanzas of varying lengths, each focusing on a different aspect of the drummer and his music.
  • Emotion: The poem conveys a strong emotional response to the music, particularly the feelings of admiration and inspiration that it evokes.


"Jazz Drummer" is a celebration of the power and beauty of jazz music and the musicians who create it. The poem uses vivid imagery, sound devices, and figurative language to convey the emotional impact of the drummer's music on the speaker. Ultimately, the poem is a testament to the importance of preserving and valuing cultural expressions like jazz, which offer a unique and meaningful glimpse into the human experience.

Poem Snippet:

"His sticks are like birdlegs,
Flicking thin as wishbones
In the faint, Jazz-New Orleans
Rain, on a glitter of drumskins."


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