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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained | |||
From the outset, Neruda lavishes the turtle with descriptions that emphasize its age and worldly experience. The reptile has "walked so long," "saw so much," and lived through "seven thousand springtimes." Yet, it's crucial to note that the turtle's longevity is not romanticized; rather, it is described in almost laborious terms. The turtle is "hooded against the heat and cold," subjected to the extremes of "sunrays and waves," and has "feet for catching prey." Life, as the turtle experiences it, is a continual struggle for survival. Neruda contrasts the turtle's venerable age with its ultimate, unconscious surrender to mortality. Despite its journey through centuries and its resilience against nature's elements, the turtle "stopped here to sleep and didn't know it." In this moment, the turtle's hardened scales and feet, which once symbolized its hardiness, become metaphors for life's fragility. The turtle's lifespan, grand and expansive as it may seem, ends just as every life does, in the stillness of "sleep." The turtle's closure to life is described as an organic process. It grew "so old that he kept getting harder," and he "quit loving the waves." This change is evoked with a poignant metaphor; the turtle becomes "rigid like a clothing iron." He finally closes his "eyes which had defied so much sea, sky, time, and earth," blending into the landscape "among the other stones." In doing so, Neruda captures the universal theme of mortality that underlies all living creatures, irrespective of their longevity or their toughness. The poem's meditation on time and life can also be understood as a rumination on the human condition. Much like the turtle, humans too face the relentless march of time, the hardships and joys of life, and the inevitable stillness that follows. In presenting the turtle's journey as both enduring and finite, Neruda strikes a delicate balance, inviting the reader to reflect upon the beauty and tragedy inherent in all life forms. In summary, "Turtle" serves as a sublime exploration of existence, encapsulating the contradictions of life's ephemerality and resilience. Through the figure of the turtle, Neruda crafts a profound narrative that resonates with universal truths about time, life, and the inevitability of mortality. The poem becomes a contemplative space, urging us to ponder our own journeys, asking us to consider what we will leave behind when we too "go to sleep among the other stones." Copyright (c) 2025 PoetryExplorer | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...THE WIDOWER'S TANGO by NEFTALI RICARDO REYES BASUALTO ON GEORGE HERBERT'S BOOK, THE TEMPLE, SENT TO A GENTLEWOMAN by RICHARD CRASHAW JABBERWOCKY by CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON SONNET: 21. TO CYRIACK SKINNER by JOHN MILTON THE HOUSE OF LIFE: 91. LOST ON BOTH SIDES by DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI FESSEDEN'S GARDEN by ELIZABETH AKERS ALLEN BEAUTIFUL THINGS by ELLEN P. ALLERTON THE POET by PHILIP JAMES BAILEY FORMALITY AND THE SOUL: 2. JAMES MACNEIL WHISTLER by KARL W. BIGELOW |