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ODE: OUR CITY BY THE SEA, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

William Gilmore Simms’ poem “Our City by the Sea” is a patriotic and triumphant tribute to the city of Charleston, South Carolina, and its defenders during the Civil War. William Gilmore Simms (1806-1870) was an American author, poet, and historian from South Carolina. He is considered one of the most prominent literary figures of the American South during the mid-19th century.

The poem depicts the city as a proud and resilient stronghold, brimming with courage and determination to defend itself against any enemy. Through the use of vivid and heroic imagery, the poet highlights the bravery and sacrifice of the city’s defenders, as well as their unwavering commitment to their cause.

The poem is structured in twelve stanzas, each with varying rhyme schemes and lengths, lending it a sense of fluidity and movement that echoes the ebb and flow of battle. The opening stanza sets the tone for the poem, establishing Charleston as a city that stands strong and free, even in the face of imminent danger. The following stanzas describe the various fortifications and defenses of the city, including the iconic forts Moultrie and Sumter. The third stanza highlights the bravery and resilience of Sumter, which stands firm against the raging equinoctial waves.

The fourth stanza marks the arrival of the enemy, portrayed as a force of Hellish hatred and venom, with a vast and dread array. The following stanzas depict the defenders of Charleston as valiant and determined, ready to defend their beloved city at any cost. The imagery of the battle is vividly depicted, with cannons roaring and shot hissing hot, going in lightning to the spot.

The climax of the poem is reached in the eleventh stanza, where the enemy is forced to flee in shame and disgrace. The final stanza is a celebration of victory and gratitude to God, who gave the defenders of Charleston the strength and courage to prevail.

Overall, Simms’ “Our City by the Sea” is a powerful and patriotic ode to Charleston and its defenders during the Civil War, highlighting their bravery, resilience, and unwavering commitment to their cause.

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