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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained

DE/COMPOSING ANIMAL, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

"De/Composing Animal" is a poem by William DeWitt Snodgrass. It was first published in 1996 in his collection of poetry titled "Not for Specialists: New and Selected Poems".


The poem explores the idea of the human experience as a composition or arrangement that is ultimately undone by time and mortality. The speaker muses on the inherent tension between life and death, and the fact that all living things are in a constant state of decay. The poem uses the metaphor of a musical composition to illustrate this theme, with the body and life being compared to the notes and melody of a song. The speaker acknowledges that while the composition of life is beautiful and meaningful, it is ultimately subject to the same fate as all living things: death and decomposition.

Poetic Elements:

  • Form: The poem is written in free verse, with no regular rhyme or meter.
  • Imagery: The poem makes use of vivid and powerful imagery throughout, particularly in its comparison of the human experience to a musical composition.
  • Metaphor: The central metaphor of the poem is the comparison of the human experience to a musical composition, with the idea of life being composed and ultimately decomposing over time.
  • Tone: The tone of the poem is contemplative and introspective, with the speaker reflecting on the nature of life and mortality.


"De/Composing Animal" is a thoughtful and introspective poem that explores the themes of mortality and the impermanence of life. The poem's use of metaphor and imagery is particularly effective in conveying the central ideas of the poem, and the free verse form allows for a more fluid and contemplative tone. Overall, the poem is a powerful meditation on the nature of human existence and the inevitability of death.

Poem Snippet:

"The body is music only insofar

As it has rhythms, only insofar

As it dances. A cut-up monkey

Served in a piquant sauce."


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