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First Line: There was a man was half a clown
Last Line: Hilaire belloc.
Alternate Author Name(s): Belloc, Joseph Hilaire Pierre Rene
Subject(s): Wandering & Wanderers; Wanderlust; Vagabonds; Tramps; Hoboes

THERE was a man was half a clown
(It's so, my father tells of it),
He saw the church in Clermont Town,
And laughed to hear the bells of it.

He laughed to hear the bells that ring
In Clermont Church and round of it;
He heard the verger's daughter sing,
And loved her for the sound of it.

The verger's daughter said him nay
(She had the right of choice in it);
He left the town at break of day
(He hadn't had a voice in it).

The road went up, the road went down,
And there the matter ended it;
He broke his heart in Clermont Town,
At Pontgibaud they mended it.
Hilaire Belloc.

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