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TOO TENUOUS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Thirty yards apart, they face
Last Line: Love will not keep in such a dwindled order too tenuous to know
Subject(s): Nevada

Thirty yards apart, they face
not each other
but both in the same direction,
and yet could not be more together,
these sandhill cranes near Ruby Lake, Nevada,
two russet paleographic curves, slender
Chinese brushstrokes among tan reeds --
the composed and oriental splendor
of this world. Bo, my son,
you grow as this grows rarer.
We know what the cranes are facing. Already
I am a collector
of such precious fragments and you will become
perhaps a connoisseur, driven in love and wonder
to pedantry. Turn away, dear Bo.
Love will not keep in such a dwindled order
too tenuous to know.

Used with the permission of Copper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA
98368-0271, www.cc.press.org

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