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WHEN I WROTE A LITTLE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Poem in the ancient mode for you
Last Line: The dark sure sea of our existence
Subject(s): Language; Love; Words; Vocabulary

poem in the ancient mode for you
that was musical and had old words

in it such as would never do in
the academies you loved it and you

said you did not know how to thank
me and in truth this is a problem

for who can ever be grateful enough
for poetry but I said you thank me

every day and every night wordlessly
which you really do although again

in truth it is a problem for how can
life ever be consonant with spirit

yet we are human and are naturally
hungry for gratitude yes we need it

and never have enough oh my dear i
think these problems are always with

us and in reality have no solutions
except when we wash them away on

salty tides of loving as we rock in
the dark sure sea of our existence.

Used with the permission of Copper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA
98368-0271, www.cc.press.org

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