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First Line: I never happen to contrast
Last Line: Presuming on her femininity
Subject(s): Moon; Sun

I never happened to contrast,
The two ill the celestIal cast,
Whose prominence has been so vast.
The Sun IS satIsfied with days
He never has in any phase
That I have heard of shone at nIght.
And yet he is a power of hght
And could in one burst overwhelm
And dayify the darkest realm
By right of eminent domain.
He has the greatness to refrain.
The Moon for all her hght and grace
Has never learned to lmow her place.
The notedest astronomers
Have set the dark aside for hers.
But there are many nights though clear
She doesn~t bother to appear.
Some lunatic or lunar whIm
Will bring her out diminished dIm
To set herself beside the Sun
As Sheba came to Solomon.
It may be charitably guessed
Comparison is not her quest.
Some rumor of his wishing ring
That changes winter into sprIng
Has brought her merely VIsIting,
An irresponsible divinity
Presuming on her femininity.

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