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First Line: Tonight the rain can't stand up straight, but once
Last Line: But a window sailing through the night
Subject(s): Animals; Dogs; Farm Life; Horses; Rain; Agriculture; Farmers

Tonight the rain can't stand up straight, but once,
Watching over my shoulder the ten wheeling suns
Of the double siderake rolling newmown hay
Over and over and over and over
Into the windrow like a thick green rope,
I was nothing
But a window sailing through the night,
And once when twenty horses wild together
All winter, galloped towards me down the road
With Harrison whooping behind them and
The little stock dog barking at their heels,
And me there to turn them into the corral
From the middle of road, their eighty
Hooves a roll of thunder in the earth,
Me with a stupid piece of rope in my hand,
I was nothing
But a window sailing through the night.

Used with the permission of Copper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA
98368-0271, www.cc.press.org

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