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STATION (3), by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: I was teaching my little sister how to fly when she broke
Last Line: "the snow is disappearing toward
Subject(s): Mothers; Sisters

I was teaching my little sister how to fly when she broke her arm.
I did.
I lay back in the snow and put my galoshes against her skinny butt and
pushed her into the sky.
Over and over upward into the
falling, and the fallen caught her, and her laughter spilled.
We got it wrong one time and that was it.
I said, "Now, now."
My mother's white station wagon disappeared into the snow on its way to
the white hospital, and the volume turned up.

Right now a spring snow falls and sublimes.
The snowline retreats upward like a
rising hem of sky.
The snow is disappearing toward me.

Used with the permission of Copper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA
98368-0271, www.cc.press.org

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