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First Line: Now, on this new page
Last Line: As if drawn by a magnet
Subject(s): Poetry & Poets

Now, on this new page,
A new optimism groans into place.
The leaves, like extras
One is beginning to know by name,
Sigh and lift perceptibly.
A doe steps into the clearing and looks toward the house --
Just checking -- then turns and highsteps
With exaggerated precision, flight held in,
Back to cover.
Two hunters,
Trespassing but willing to claim
They are lost, mistaken, sorry,
Simmer in the throaty idle of their pickup,
Gazing down into a deep draw.
They pull away slowly. They'll be back.
The day itself is good.
Whatever happens in the day,
The day itself is good.
A breeze tensely riffles the pond,
Erasing the pond's attempt at representation
Of treetops and sky -- try again.
It keeps doing that.
A jet goes over and you rise to build a fire.
As if the jet were a signal.
One hunter says good day, though,
Even if we don't get anything.
Nice weather.
And the deer step out of the woods
As if drawn by a magnet.

Used with the permission of Copper Canyon Press, P.O. Box 271, Port Townsend, WA
98368-0271, www.cc.press.org

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