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SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY: AMOS SIBLEY, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Not character, not fortitude, not patience
Last Line: If I make money thus, I will divorce her.
Subject(s): Divorce

NOT character, not fortitude, not patience
Were mine, the which the village thought I had
In bearing with my wife, while preaching on,
Doing the work God chose for me.
I loathed her as a termagant, as a wanton.
I knew of her adulteries, every one.
But even so, if I divorced the woman
I must forsake the ministry.
Therefore to do God's work and have it crop,
I bore with her!
So lied I to myself!
So lied I to Spoon River!
Yet I tried lecturing, ran for the legislature,
Canvassed for books, with just the thought in mind:
If I make money thus, I will divorce her.

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