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THEY PRAISE THE SUN, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: How shall the golden day discreetly pass?
Last Line: Dark spaces intervene, but new suns rise.
Subject(s): Sun

How shall the golden day discreetly pass?
Take shoe and staff, and mount the windy hill,
And see if 'twixt high heaven and the grass
One cloud, one leaf, make any motion ill.

What shall the text and homiletics be?
The kindly sun, who would not fade too soon;
These twain, the well-perfected you and me;
This flame, that pulses hotter than his June.

Grieve not too much, if afterward of burning
He sinks so ashily! There is an art,
To grudge not greedily; take hands and turning
Go speaking not; this is the happy heart.

Sun after sun is yet to paint the skies.
Dark spaces intervene, but new suns rise.

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