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YOUNG HEBREW SPEAKS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Yesterday as I lay nigh dead with toil
Subject(s): Jews

The Young Hebrew speaks :
Yesterday as I lay nigh, dead with toil
Underneath the hurtling crane oiled with our blood,
Thinking to end all and let the crane crush me,
He came by and bore me into the shade :
O , what a furnace roarmg in his blood
Thawed my congealed sinews and tingled my own
Raging through me like a strong cordial.
He spoke 1 Smce yesterday
Am I not larger grown?
I've seen men hugely shapen in soul,
Of such unhuman shaggy male turbulence
They tower in foam miles from our neck-strained sight,
And to their shop only heroes come ;
But all were cripples to this speed
Constrained to the stables of flesh.
I say there is a famine in ripe harvest
When hungry giants come as guests :
Come knead the hills and ocean into food,
There is none for him.
The streaming vigours of his blood erupting
From his halt tongue are like an anger thrust ,
Out of a madman's piteous craving for
A monstrous balked perfection.

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