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IN GRANTCHESTER MEADOWS; ON HEARING A SKYLARK SING, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Too late, thou tender songster of the sky
Last Line: Or any true unhappy human thing.
Subject(s): Birds; Larks; Skylarks

Too late, thou tender songster of the sky
Trilling unseen, by things unseen inspired,
I list thy far-heard cry
That poets oft to kindred song hath fired,
As floating through the purple veils of air
Thy soul is poured on high,
A little joy in an immense despair.

Too late thou biddest me escape the earth,
In ignorance of wrong
To spin a little slender thread of song;
On yet unwearied wing
To rise and soar and sing,
Not knowing death or birth
Or any true unhappy human thing.

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