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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS, by LOUIS SIMPSON Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: These episodes are taken Last Line: Uttering cries that are almost human Subject(s): Native Americans; Pocahontas (1595-1617); Indians Of America; American Indians; Indians Of South America | |||
These episodes are taken From Captain, sometimes Governor, John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia, Netv England, and the Summer Isles. How far he tells the truth, Seeing that he was baiting hooks To catch investors, I leave to the reader's judgment. This, for example, From his epistle to a duchess, To my mind shows a theatrical Extravagant spirit: When I was slave to the Turkes, The beauteous Lady Tragabigzanda Did all she could to secure me. When I overcame the Bashaw of Nalbrits, The charitable Lady Callamata Supplyed my necessities. In the utmost of many necessities, That blessed Pocahontas, The great Kings daughter of Virginia, Oft saved my life." Lady Tragabigzanda! Lady Callamata! Not to mention the Bashaw of Nalbrits! But we may be too suspicious In this too timid age. When the world was expanding, language wore Big breeches and odd jerkins and strange sleeves. So then, this is the story Of Smith's extremities And King Powhatan and his dearest daughter. 1. Pocahontas Saves His Life At last they brought him to Meronocomo Where was Powhatan their Emperor. More than two hundred of those grim courtiers Stood wondering at him, As he had been a monster, Till Powhatan and his train Had put themselves in their greatest braveries. Before a fire upon a seat The King sat covered with a robe Of rarowcun skins, and all the tails hanging by. On either side sat a young wench Of sixteen or eighteen years; Along each side of the house, two rows of men; Behind them, as many women, With all their heads and shoulders painted red; Many of their heads bedecked With the white down of birds; But everyone with something, And a great chain of beads about their necks. At his entrance before the King All the people gave a great shout. The queen of Appamatuck Brought him water to wash his hands; Another, a bunch of feathers to dry them. Having feasted him after their best barbarous manner, A long consultation was held, But the conclusion was Two great stones were brought before Powhatan; Then as many as could Laid hands on the Captain And dragged him to the stones And thereon laid his head, Being ready with their clubs to beat out his brains. Pocahontas, the King's dearest daughter, When no intreaty could prevail, Got his head in her arms, And laid her own upon his to save him from death. Whereat the Emperor was contented He should live to make him hatchets, And her, bells, beads, and copper. 2. Savage Entertainment Suddenly among the woods was heard Such a hideous noise and shrieking That the English betook them to their arms Supposing Powhatan with all his power Was come to surprise them. But presently Pocahontas came, Willing them to kill her If any hurt was intended. Then they were presented with this antic. Thirty young women came naked out of the woods, Covered only before and behind With a few green leaves, Their bodies all painted, but differing. Their leader had buck's horns on her head, An otter's skin at her girdle, Another at her arm, A quiver of arrows at her back, A bow and arrows in her hand. The next had in her hands a sword, Another a club, Another a pot-stick - All horned alike, The rest with their several devices. These fiends with most hellish sounds and cries Rushing from among the trees, Cast themselves in a ring about the fire, Singing and dancing with most excellent 111 variety, Or falling into their infernal passions, And solemnly again to sing and dance. And as they entered, in like manner departed. Having reaccomodated themselves, They invited him to their lodgings, Where he was no sooner in the house But all these nymphs More tormented him than ever With crowding, pressing, and hanging about him, Crying, "Love you not me? Love you not me?" This salutation ended, the feast was set, Consisting of all the savage dainties, Some attending, others singing and dancing. Which mirth being ended, With fire-brands for torches They conducted him to his lodging. 3. A Dialogue of Peace and War The subtle savage, Powhatan, Said, "Many do inform me, Your coming hither is not for trade, But to invade my people and possess my country. To free us of this fear Leave aboard your weapons. I know the difference of peace and war, But now I am old and ere long must die. What will it avail you to take by force What you may quickly have by love? Think you, I am so simple Not to know it is better To eat good meat, Lie well, and sleep quietly, Laugh and be merry with you, Have copper, hatchets, or what I want, Than to be forced to fly from all, To lie cold in the woods, Feed upon acorns, roots, and other trash, And be so hunted by you That I can neither rest, eat, nor sleep, But my tired men must watch, And if a twig break, everyone crieth There commeth Captain Smith!' And thus with miserable fear End my miserable life, Leaving my pleasures to such youths as you, Which through your rashness May quickly as miserably end. Let this therefore assure you of our loves, And every year our friendly trade Shall furnish you with corn. Then come not thus with your guns and swords As to invade your foes." The Captain answered, Every day your promise is violated By some of your subjects. For your sake only we have curbed Our thirsting desire of revenge. As for danger from our enemies, In such is our chief pleasure. For your riches we have no use. And if you should fly to the woods, We shall not starve, as you conclude, For we have means to find beyond your knowledge." The King breathed his mind once more. None doth deny to lie at my feet, Or refuse to do what I desire, But only you. If you intend so friendly as you say, Send hence your arms." The Captain said, Tomorrow I will leave my arms And trust to your promise." 4. Pocahontas Reveals a Plot Pocahontas, his dearest jewel, In that dark night came through the irksome woods, And told our Captain Great cheer should be sent us by and by, And when we were at supper They that brought it would kill us all With our own weapons. But if that plot should fail, Powhatan and all his power Would after come to kill us. Such things as she delighted in He would have given her, But with the tears running down her cheeks She said she dared not be seen to have them, For if Powhatan knew, she were but dead. And so she ran away by herself as she came. Within less than an hour Came eight or ten lusty fellows With platters of venison and other victual, Very importunate to have us Put out our matches Whose smoke, they said, made them sick. But the Captain made them taste every dish, Which done he sent them back to Powhatan To bid him make haste For he was prepared for his coming. 5. She Is Betrayed and Captured Captain Argall Had promised Japazaws and his wife A copper kettle To bring her to him, Promising no way to hurt her, But keep her till they could conclude A peace with her father. And thus they betrayed the poor innocent Pocahontas aboard, Where they were kindly feasted in the cabin, Japazaws treading oft on the Captain's foot To remember he had done his part. Then Argall told her she must go with him And compound peace between her country and us Before she ever should see Powhatan. Whereat the Judas, Japazaws, and his wife Began to howl and cry As fast as Pocahontas. Upon the Captain's fair persuasions Pacifying her by degree, Japazaws and his wife With the kettle and other toys Went merrily on shore. 6. Her Wedding Master John Rolfe, an honest gentleman, Had been in love with Pocahontas, And she with him. Which thing when I made known By letter to Sir Thomas Dale, He well approved. And the bruit of this marriage coming to Powhatan, It was acceptable to him, As appeared by his sudden consent. For within ten days He sent Opachisco, her uncle, and two of his sons, To see the manner of this marriage, Which was about the first of April. And ever since we have had Friendly trade and commerce As well with Powhatan himself As all his subjects. The true affection she bore for her husband, And the strange apparitions and violent passions He endured for her love, as he deeply protested, Were wonderful. And she openly renounced idolatry, Confessed the faith of Christ, And was baptised. 7. Powhatan Laughs The first thing the King did, He offered me a pipe of tobacco. Then asked me how his brother Sir Thomas Dale did, and his daughter And unknown son, And how they lived, loved and liked. I told him his brother was well, And his daughter so contented She would not live again with him; Whereat he laughed. 8. A Dream in the Woods of Virginia I dreamed that in a wood, Clasped as in silver when the moon Shone clear, a woman stood. Lady with horns, And bow and arrows, and an otter skin, Singing "Love you not me?" - I love you not. Give up your naked ways, Except a few green leaves, Your cunning ambush where the coney plays. Put on a skirt and hood. Marry perhaps an English gentleman. Though never English, you may still be good. When I set out on my journey It was high summer, But now it was cold and snow lay on the ground. I came to the great hall Where Powhatan was sitting, with his braves Beneath him in two rows along the wall. I spoke. They seemed to hear. They did not speak or move. Then suddenly they shouted And a wind Rushed through the hall, the torches guttered out, And the night was filled with sound. IV Whatever it is, it must have A stomach that can digest Rubber, coal, uranium, moons, poems. Like the shark, it contains a shoe. It must swim for miles through the desert Uttering cries that are almost human. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...THE OLD INDIAN by ARTHUR STANLEY BOURINOT SCHOLARLY PROCEDURE by JOSEPHINE MILES ONE LAST DRAW OF THE PIPE by PAUL MULDOON THE INDIANS ON ALCATRAZ by PAUL MULDOON PARAGRAPHS: 9 by HAYDEN CARRUTH THEY ACCUSE ME OF NOT TALKING by HAYDEN CARRUTH AMERICAN INDIAN ART: FORM AND TRADITION by DIANE DI PRIMA PROTESTS (AFTER A PAINTING BY HUGO BALLIN) by LOUIS UNTERMEYER |