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STREET SONGS: 1. THE PIGEONS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Over the houses and into the sky
Last Line: And into their airy home
Subject(s): Cities; Pigeons; Urban Life

Over the houses and into the sky
Over the houses and into the sky
And into the dazzling light,
And into the dazzling light,
Long hosts of fluttering pigeons fly
Long hosts of fluttering pigeons fly
Out of the blackened night,
Out of the blackened night,
Over the houses and into the sky
Over the houses and into the sky
On glistening wings of white.
On glistening wings of white.
Over the city and into the blue
Over the city and into the blue
From ledge and tower and dome,
From ledge and tower and dome,
They rise and turn and turn anew,
They rise and turn and turn anew,
And like fresh clouds they roam,
And like fresh clouds they roam,
Over the city and into the blue
Over the city and into the blue
And into their airy home.
And into their airy home.

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