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GREEN, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Here fruit and flowers I bring to thee; green leaves and sprays I proffer
Last Line: And sleep awhile, when thy fond love its haven shall have found.
Subject(s): Flowers; Kisses; Love; Nature; Soul

HERE fruit and flowers I bring to thee; green leaves and sprays I proffer;
My heart that beats for thee alone with them to thee I lift;
With thy two pale white hands flout not the humble gift I offer,
And may those lovely eyes of thine find sweetness in my gift.

Behold I come before thee with the dew still on my forehead,
The chilly wind of dawn thereon hath turned it icy frore;
Ah! suffer me to rest my load beside thy feet adoréd,
There dreaming I'll grow strong again to bear the load I bore.

My head upon thy maiden breast in sweet surrender leaving,
Therein the stir of kisses that thy lips have shed shall sound,
So shall I fall on quiet nigh thy dear heart's stormy heaving
And sleep awhile, when thy fond love its haven shall have found.

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