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THE FIRST MOVIE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: I walked with jessamine, the tall black lady
Last Line: Sayng hush, hush, but I 'd hushed myself already
Subject(s): Motion Pictures; Childhood Memories

I GIVE my bodye untoe her that gatte
Our grandam earth; theron, though worms maye bite
Untoe the bone, they shall fynde little fatte,
Soe long hath hunger fought a winnynge fighte.
Straighte to the earth let it be borne outrighte:
From earth that came, to earth at last doth come;
For everythynge, unlesse my pen mys-write,
To its owne place at laste goes gladlye home.

Untoe my more than father haplye founde,
William of Villon, him who was more milde
Untoe the babe in swaddlynge raiment bounde
Than ever Mother bye her sonne beguiled;
Him that did save me from adventures wilde
Full often—I doe give, lest he forgette
Or else be loth to praye for his dead childe,
The score of books within my cabinet.

Untoe this godlye man likewyse I will
The tale that at my biddynge Tabarie
Did copye out in large script with his quill,
Than whom was never man more trustworthye.
In quires beneath the table dustilye
It lies, and though the laboured style wherwith
'Tis written be a hindrance, all, pardie!
May be forgiven for the matter's pith.

Untoe my Mother,—for her soul's relief
That therwith on our Ladye she maye call,
Who for my sinnes hath had much bitter grief
God knoweth, and much sorrowynge withal;
Noe other castel have I nor strong wall
Whertoe my bodye and my soul maye flee
When on my path a-manye perils fall,
Nor my poor Mother hath no more than me :—

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