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LE MEDECIN MALGRE LUI, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Oh I suppose I should wash the walls of my office
Last Line: But a white thought!
Subject(s): Labor & Laborers; Work; Workers

Oh I suppose I should
wash the walls of my office
polish the rust from
my instruments and keep them
definitely in order
build shelves in the laboratory
empty out the old stains
clean the bottles
and refill them, buy
another lens, put
my journals on edge instead of
letting them lie flat
in heaps -- then begin
ten years back and
read them to date
cataloguing important
articles for ready reference.
I suppose I should
read the new books.
If to this I added
a bill at the tailor's
and at the cleaner's
grew a decent beard
and cultivated a look
of importance --
Who can tell? I might be
a credit to my Lady Happiness
and never think anything
but a white thought!

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