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ON THE COUNTESS OF PEMBROKE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Underneath this sable [or, marble] hearse
Last Line: Both her mourner and her tomb.
Alternate Author Name(s): Browne, William Of Tavistock
Variant Title(s): On The Countess Dowager Of Pembroke;subject Of All Verse;elegy;on The Death Of Marie, Countess Of Pembroke
Subject(s): Death; Herbert, Mary Sidney (1561-1621); Herbert, William, 3d Earl Of Pembroke; Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586); Dead, The; Pembroke, Countess Of; Sidney, Mary (1561-1621); Dudley, Mary

Underneath this sable hearse
Lies the subject of all verse:
Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother.
Death, ere thou hast slain another
Fair and learn'd and good as she,
Time shall throw a dart at thee.
Marble piles let no man raise
To her name; for after days
Some kind woman born as she
Reading this, like Niobe
Shall turn marble, and become
Both her mourner and her tomb.

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