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EASTER, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: What exultations in my mind
Last Line: This welcome to the new-born spring.
Alternate Author Name(s): Davies, W. H.
Subject(s): Easter; Holidays; The Resurrection

WHAT exultations in my mind
From the love-bite of this Easter wind!
My head thrown back, my face doth shine
Like yonder Sun's, but warmer mine.
A butterfly -- from who knows where? --
Comes with a stagger through the air,
And, lying down, doth ope and close
His wings, as babies work their toes:
Perhaps he thinks of pressing tight
Into his wings a little light!
And many a bird hops in between
The leaves he dreams of, long and green,
And sings for nipple-buds that show
Where the full-breasted leaves must grow.
Winter is dead, and now we sing
This welcome to the new-born Spring.

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