Classic and Contemporary Poetry
ELEGY: 3. CHANGE, by JOHN DONNE Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too Last Line: Of musicke, joy, life, and eternity. Variant Title(s): Love Elegies: Elegy 5. Change Subject(s): Unfaithfulness; Infidelity; Adultery; Inconstancy | |||
Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too, Have seal'd thy love which nothing should undoe, Yea though thou fall backe, that apostasie Confirme thy love; yet much, much I feare thee. Women are like the Arts, forc'd unto none, Open to'all searchers, unpriz'd, if unknowne. If I have caught a bird, and let him flie, Another fouler using these meanes, as I, May catch the same bird; and, as these things bee, Women are made for men, not him, nor mee. Foxes and goats; all beasts change when they please, Shall women, more hot, wily, wild then these, Be bound to one man, and did Nature then Idly make them apter to'endure then men? They'are our clogges, not their owne; if a man bee Chain'd to a galley, yet the galley'is free; Who hath a plow-land, casts all his seed corne there, And yet allowes his ground more corne should beare; Though Danuby into the sea must flow, The sea receives the Rhene, Volga, and Po. By nature, which gave it, this liberty Thou lov'st, but Oh! canst thou love it and mee? Likenesse glues love: and if that thou so doe, To make us like and love, must I change too? More then thy hate, I hate'it, rather let mee Allow her change, then change as oft as shee, And soe not teach, but force my'opinion To love not any one, nor every one. To live in one land, is captivitie, To runne all countries, a wild roguery; Waters stincke soone, if in one place they bide, And in the vast sea are more putrifi'd: But when they kisse one banke, and leaving this Never looke backe, but the next banke doe kisse, Then are they purest; Change'is the nursery Of musicke, joy, life, and eternity. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...A RITUAL AS OLD AS TIME ITSELF by PETER JOHNSON THE RING AND THE CASTLE by AMY LOWELL SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY: MRS. MERRITT by EDGAR LEE MASTERS SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY: MRS. PURKAPILE by EDGAR LEE MASTERS |