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WRITTEN ON A WALL AT WOODSTOCK, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Oh fortune, thy wrestling wavering state
Last Line: So god send to my foes all they have thought.
Alternate Author Name(s): Tudor, Elizabeth
Variant Title(s): Verses Written On A Shutter ...
Subject(s): Prisons & Prisoners; Convicts

Oh, Fortune! how thy restless wavering state
Hath fraught with cares my troubled wit!
Witness this present prison, whither fate
Could bear me, and the joys I quit:
Thou causedest the guilty to be loos'd
From bands, wherein are innocents inclos'd:
Causing the guiltless to be strait reserv'd,
And freeing those that death had well deserv'd.
But by her envy can be nothing wrought,
So God send to my foes all they have thought.

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