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AT CASTERBRIDGE FAIR: 4. THE MARKET-GIRL, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Nobody took any notice of her as she stood on the causey know
Last Line: And I found that though no others had bid, a prize had been won by me.
Subject(s): Festivals; Fairs; Pageants

NOBODY took any notice of her as she stood on the causey kerb,
All eager to sell her honey and apples and bunches of garden herb;
And if she had offered to give her wares and herself with
them too that day,
I doubt if a soul would have cared to take a bargain so choice away.

But chancing to trace her sunburnt grace that morning as I
passed nigh,
I went and I said 'Poor maidy dear! - and will none of the
people buy?'
And so it began; and soon we knew what the end of it all must be,
And I found that though no others had bid, a prize had been won by me.

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