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JUDGEMENT, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Almighty judge, how shall poor wretches brook
Last Line: There thou shalt finde my faults are thine.
Subject(s): Judges; Judgment Day; End Of The World; Doomsday; Fall Of Man

ALMIGHTIE Judge, how shall poore wretches brook
Thy dreadful look,
Able a heart of iron to appall,
When thou shalt call
For ev'ry mans peculiar book?

What others mean to do, I know not well;
Yet I heare tell,
That some will turn thee to some leaves therein
So void of sinne.
That they in merit shall excell.

But I resolve, when thou shalt call for mine,
That to decline,
And thrust a Testament into thy hand:
Let that be scann'd.
There thou shalt finde my faults are thine.

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