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A THANKSGIVING TO GOD [FOR HIS HOUSE], by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Lord, thou hast given me a cell
Last Line: My christ, by thee.
Variant Title(s): A Thankful Heart;my Home. A Thanksgiving To God For A House .. Devonshire
Subject(s): Holidays; Home; Thanksgiving; Worship

LORD, thou hast given me a cell
Wherein to dwell,
A little house, whose humble roof
Is weather proof;
Under the sparres of which I lie,
Both soft and drie;
Where thou, my chamber for to ward,
Hast set a guard
Of harmlesse thoughts, to watch and keep
Me while I sleep.
Low is my porch, as is my fate;
Both void of state;
And yet the threshold of my doore
Is worn by the poore,
Who hither come and freely get
Good words or meat.
Like as my parlour, so my hall
And kitchen's small;
A little butterie, and therein
A little byn,
Which keeps my little loafe of bread
Unchipt, unflead.
Some sticks of thorn or briar
Make me a fire,
Close by whose loving coals I sit,
And glow like it.
Lord, I confesse too, when I dine,
The pulse is thine,
And all those other bits that bee
There placed by thee;
The worts, the purslain, and the messe
Of water-cresse,
Which of thy kindness thou hast sent;
And my content
Makes those and my beloved beet
More sweet.
'T is thou that crown'st my glittering hearth
With guiltlesse mirth
And giv'st me wassaile bowles to drink,
Spiced to the brink.
Lord, 't is thy plenty-dropping hand
That soiles my land,
And gives me for my bushel sowne,
Twice ten for one.
Thou mak'st my teeming hen to lay.
Her egg each day,
Besides my healthful ewes to bear
Me twins each yeare;
The while the conduits or my kine
Run creame for wine.
All these and better thou dost send
Me to this end,
That I should render, for my part,
A thankfulle heart
Which, fired with incense, I resigne
As wholly thine;
But the acceptance, that must be,
MY CHRIST, by thee.

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