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SNEEZING, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: What a moment, what a doubt!
Last Line: Snuff is a delicious thing.
Alternate Author Name(s): Hunt, Leigh
Subject(s): Sneezing

WHAT a moment, what a doubt!
All my nose is inside out, --
All my thrilling, tickling caustic,
Pyramid rhinocerostic,
Wants to sneeze and cannot do it!
How it yearns me, thrills me, stings me,
How with rapturous torment wrings me!
Now says, "Sneeze, you fool, -- get through it."
Shee -- shee -- oh! 't is most del-ishi --
Ishi -- ishi -- most del-ishi!
(Hang it, I shall sneeze till spring!)
Snuff is a delicious thing.

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