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EPICOENE; OR, THE SILENT WOMAN: FREEDOM IN DRESS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Still to be neat, still to be drest
Last Line: They strike mine eyes, but not my heart.
Variant Title(s): Clerimont's Song;sweet Neglect;simplex Munditiis
Subject(s): Art & Artists; Clothing & Dress; Cosmetics; Simplicity

STILL to be neat, still to be drest,
As you were going to a feast;
Still to be powdered, still perfumed --
Lady, it is to be presumed,
Though art's hid causes are not found,
All is not sweet, all is not sound.

Give me a look, give me a face,
That makes simplicity a grace;
Robes loosely flowing, hair as free, --
Such sweet neglect more taketh me
Than all the adulteries of art:
They strike mine eyes, but not my heart.

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