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FOR LOVE'S SAKE, KISS ME ONCE AGAIN!, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
Last Line: Let who will think us dead, or wish our death.
Variant Title(s): He Teaches Her To Kiss;of Kissing
Subject(s): Innocence; Kisses; Love

For Love's sake, kiss me once again,
I long, and should not beg in vain,
Here's none to spy, or see;
Why do you doubt, or stay?
I'll taste as lightly as the bee,
That doth but touch his flower, and flies away.
Once more, and (faith) I will be gone.
Can he that loves, ask less than one?
Nay, you may err in this,
And all your bounty wrong:
This could be called but half a kiss.
What w'are but once to do, we should do long.
I will but mend the last, and tell
Where, how it would have relished well;
Join lip to lip, and try:
Each sucks out other's breath.
And whilst our tongues perplexed lie,
Let who will think us dead, or wish our death.

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