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THE WIDOW'S MITE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: A widow - she had only one!
Last Line: The little crutch.
Alternate Author Name(s): Locker, Frederick
Subject(s): Death - Mothers; Widows & Widowers; Dead, The

A widow -- she had only one!
A puny and decrepit son;
But, day and night,
Though fretful oft, and week and small,
A loving child, he was her all --
The Widow's Mite.
The Widow's Mite -- ay, so sustained,
She battled onward, nor complained,
Though friends were fewer:
And while she toiled for daily fare,
A little crutch upon the stair
Was music to her.
I saw her then, -- and now I see
That, though resigned and cheerful, she
Has sorrowed much:
She has, He gave it tenderly,
Much faith; and carefully laid by,
The little crutch.

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