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AN UNINSCRIBED MONUMENT - BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Silence and solitude may hint
Last Line: Silent as I, and lonesome as the land.
Subject(s): American Civil War; United States - History; Wilderness Campaign (1864)

SILENCE and Solitude may hint
(Whose home is in you piny wood)
What I, though tableted, could never tell --
The din which here befell,
And striving of the multitude.
The iron cones and spheres of death
Set round me in their rust, --
These, too, if just,
Shall speak with more than animated breath.
Thou who beholdest, if thy thought,
Not narrowed down to personal cheer,
Take in the import of the quiet here --
The after-quiet -- the calm full fraught;
Thou too wilt silent stand, --
Silent as I, and lonesome as the land.

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