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A DEAD HARVEST (IN KENSINGTON GARDENS), by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Along the graceless grass of town
Last Line: Bosom nor barn is filled with these.
Alternate Author Name(s): Meynell, Wilfrid, Mrs.; Thompson, Alice Christina
Subject(s): Kensington Gardens

ALONG the graceless grass of town
They rake the rows of red and brown, --
Dead leaves, unlike the rows of hay
Delicate, touched with gold and grey,
Raked long ago and far away.

A narrow silence in the park,
Between the lights a narrow dark,
One street rolls on the north; and one,
Muffled, upon the south doth run;
Amid the mist the work is done.

A futile crop! -- for it the fire
Smoulders, and, for a stack, a pyre.
So go the town's lives on the breeze,
Even as the sheddings of the trees;
Bosom nor barn is filled with these.

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