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TWILIGHT AT THE HEIGHTS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: The brave young city by the balboa seas
Last Line: Set head and foot to the day at rest.
Alternate Author Name(s): Miller, Joaquin
Variant Title(s): Twilight At The Hights
Subject(s): Dusk

THE brave young city by the Balboa seas
Lies compassed about by the hosts of night --
Lies humming, low, like a hive of bees;
And the day lies dead. And its spirit's flight
Is far to the west; while the golden bars
That bound it are broken to a dust of stars.

Come under my oaks, oh, drowsy dusk!
The wolf and the dog; dear incense hour
When Mother Earth hath a smell of musk,
And things of the spirit assert their power --
When candles are set to burn in the west --
Set head and foot to the day at rest.

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