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SONNETS TO LAURA IN LIFE: 156, by             Poem Explanation         Poet's Biography
First Line: My galley charged with forgetfulness
Last Line: And I remain despairing of the port.
Alternate Author Name(s): Petrarca, Francesco
Variant Title(s): "sonnet: 19;the Lover Compareth His State To A Ship In Perilous Storm;the Lover Like To A Ship Tossed On The Sea;sonnet;sonnet: 189;rime 189;""my Galy Charged With Forgetfulnes"";
Subject(s): Grief; Love - Complaints; Sea; Ships & Shipping; Storms; Sorrow; Sadness; Ocean

My galley charged with forgetfulness
Thorough sharp seas in winter nights doth pass
'Tween rock and rock; and eke mine enemy, alas,
That is my lord, steereth with cruelness;
And every oar a thought in readiness.
As though that death were light in such a case.
An endless wind doth tear the sail apace
Of forced sighs, and trusty fearfulness.
A rain of tears, a cloud of dark disdain,
Hath done the wearied cords great hinderance;
Wreathed with error and eke with ignorance,
The stars be hid that led me to this pain;
Drowned in reason that should me consort,
And I remain despairing of the port.

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