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AN ALPINE DESCENT, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: My mule refreshed, his bells
Last Line: "along this path to conquer at marengo."
Subject(s): Alps; Marengo, Battle Of; Mountain Climbing; Mountains; Hills; Downs (great Britain)

MY mule refreshed, his bells
Jingled once more, the signal to depart,
And we set out in the gray light of dawn,
Descending rapidly, -- by waterfalls
Fast frozen, and among huge blocks of ice
That in their long career had stopt midway;
At length, unchecked, unbidden, he stood still,
And all his bells were muffled. Then my guide,
Lowering his voice, addressed me: -- "Through this chasm
On, and say nothing, -- for a word, a breath,
Stirring the air, may loosen and bring down
A winter's snow, -- enough to overwhelm
The horse and foot that, night and day, defiled
Along this path to conquer at Marengo."

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