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THE HOUSE OF LIFE: 74. ST. LUKE THE PAINTER (OLD & NEW ART), by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Give honour unto luke evangelist
Last Line: Ere the night cometh and she may not work.
Alternate Author Name(s): Rossetti, Gabriel Charles Dante
Subject(s): Catholics; Paintings & Painters; Roman Catholics; Catholicism

GIVE honour unto Luke Evangelist;
For he it was (the aged legends say)
Who first taught Art to fold her hands and pray.
Scarcely at once she dared to rend the mist
Of devious symbols: but soon having wist
How sky-breadth and field-silence and this day
Are symbols also in some deeper way,
She looked through these to God and was God's priest.

And if, past noon, her toil began to irk,
And she sought talismans, and turned in vain
To soulless self-reflections of man's skill,--
Yet now, in this the twilight, she might still
Kneel in the latter grass to pray again,
Ere the night cometh and she may not work.

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