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THE END OF THE DAY, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: I hear the bells at eventide
Last Line: Good night.'
Alternate Author Name(s): Scott, D. C.
Subject(s): Evening; Nature; Sunset; Twilight

I HEAR the bells at eventide
Peal softly one by one,
Near and far off they break and glide;
Across the stream float faintly beautiful
The antiphonal bells of Hull;
The day is done, done, done,
The day is done.
The dew has gathered in the flowers,
Like tears from some unconscious deep:
The swallows whirl around the towers,
The light runs out beyond the long cloud bars,
And leaves the single stars;
'T is time for sleep, sleep, sleep,
'T is time for sleep.
The hermit thrush begins again, --
Timorous eremite --
That song of risen tears and pain,
As if the one he loved was far away:
'Alas! another day --'
'And now Good Night, Good Night,'
Good Night.'

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